Monday, June 24, 2019

New Mexico High School Students Receive Scholarship Awards from Jiffy Lube

The “What Drives You?” scholarship program funded by New Mexico Jiffy Lube owners has awarded $8,000 in scholarships to three New Mexico high school students for the 2018-2019 school year. 

Jorge Marquez Chavez of Centennial High School is the overall scholarship recipient and will receive a $5,000 scholarship award on behalf of Jiffy Lube. Lucas Sandoval of Sandia Prep High School will be awarded $1,500 as a runner-up. Adam Rounsville of V. Sue Cleveland High School will also receive $1,500.

The “What Drives You?” scholarship program is open to all teen drivers as well as students enrolled in drivers ed in New Mexico.  
Students are asked to submit a 500-word essay detailing what drives them now, as an opportunity to express their inner drive and ambitions.  Finalists are selected based on their essay submission. Finalists are then required to submit a short 1-2 minute video that expands on the essay they submitted and then the overall winner is selected.

Jorge’s drive is to study physics and discover new possibilities and applications to help better the world.  Lucas’s drive is to study photography and marketing and inspire positive change in the art community.  Adam’s drive is to study business and technology and bring positive change to the world.

The scholarships are open to all students currently enrolled in high school regardless of test scores or grades.  

Amy Biehl High School will receive $500 for submitting the most essays for the 2018-2019 school year as part of the Jiffy Lube “What Drives You?” Scholarship Program.

Scholarship money will go directly towards secondary education, in the form of college or other qualified technical or professional program chosen by each winning student.

If you are the parent of a teen driver or a student enrolled in Driver’s Ed and would like more information about this scholarship program for the 2019-2020 school year, talk with your child’s teacher, high school counselor or visit

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